(mt) MediaTemple

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(mt) Media Temple Mail() Test


The purpose of this form is to confirm that the PHP mail function [mail()] is functioning properly.

Please enter your email address in the "to" field, any email address in the "from" field, and a short test message in the last field. Upon clicking submit, you will see whether the test message was sent. Please check your email to confirm that the mail() function is working on your service.


  • You may want to toggle on/off whether mail is enabled for your domain. If the address you're sending to is hosted at the same place as your mail script, but has external MX records, you'll want to disable mail for this domain. Please see this article for more information: http://kb.mediatemple.net/questions/519

  • Please be sure your mail script has the proper permissions set for itself. "755" permissions are recommended, anything less may risk locking out file execution.

  • NOTE: Spammers are known to scan the internet for vulnerable formmail scripts and use them to send spam as if you had sent the email messages yourself. To protect yourself, you may want to delete this form mail tester after you've finished with it.

  • As a final note: If our form mail tester script is working, and yours still isn't, this means the issue at hand is with the script itself. (mt) Media Temple does not provide support for, nor do we troubleshoot third party scripting. Please see PHP.net for further support.


  • Knowledge base: http://kb.mediatemple.net
  • Statement of Support: http://www.mediatemple.net/support/statement/index.htm
  • (mt) Forums - http://kb.mediatemple.net/questions/824